Main Page
From Rivendell Wiki
Welcome to the Rivendell Wiki dedicated to Rivendell
Here you'll find the collected wisdom of our contributors who are involved in broadcasting facilities of all shapes and sizes. Please feel free to contribute from your experience as well.
What is Rivendell?
Rivendell is a full-featured radio automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast and media environments. It is available under the GNU General Public License. See the Rivendell Project for a more detailed description. Browse the source code at the official GitHub repository. Here‘s a list of stations using Rivendell.
Where is the old Wiki?
You can find an archived copy of the old Wiki on the website here.
[hide]Evaluating Rivendell
If you are new to Rivendell, you might want to start here.
Users of Rivendell versions prior to 3.0 may want to read the list of notable differences between Rivendell versions 2 and 3.
Should I Upgrade?
You might be considering upgrading your Rivendell system. Many people live by the adage, “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke.” On the other hand, there are sound and sensible reasons for upgrading your Rivendell installation: operating system security patches, bug fixes, performance enhancements, and improved functionality to name just a few reasons.
This change summary lists the notable changes between all released versions of Rivendell for the past few years. The list currently goes back to version 2.10.1 (released in 2014). The change summary also shows the database version number with each release. Some Rivendell releases include no database changes and are therefore “easier” to upgrade. In other words, upgrading Rivendell when there is no database version change is less intrusive; you can safely upgrade individual workstations one at a time (serially) without affecting other workstations. As always, if you’re unsure about upgrading, “seek professional help”.
- Installing Rivendell - How to install Rivendell on various Linux distributions.
- Hardware Compatibility Lists - What Soundcards, Switchers and Touchscreen Monitors work with Rivendell?
- Computers for Rivendell - What machines are people using to run Rivendell?
Getting Help
- The mailing lists - Probably the most active area for help and discussion on Rivendell.
- IRC - There is an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel setup that various people frequent for helping others with Rivendell. Try this if you need interactive help or troubleshooting.
- Glossary - A glossary of terms you may want to be familiar with in the context of Rivendell.
- Facebook - Request to join if you are a facebook user
- Planning your installation - A list of things you should consider before installing Rivendell.
Rivendell Setup & Configuration
Instructions and help with the setup and configuration of Rivendell can be found here
You can find User and Administrator guides within the Documentation area of the wiki. These include "How To" guides and other training material. This can be found here
Other Useful Resources
Other Useful Resources are available. These cover areas that go beyond Rivendell.
Commercial Rivendell Support
- Rivendell Scripts and hacks on Github
- How To Connect Excel And Access To Rivendell Database
- Using Rivendell As A Video Playout System
Coding Rivendell
- Code documentation
- Development direction of Rivendell
- Compiling Rivendell Components in Windows
- Changing the version number for RPMs
- WAVE file and meta data info
Rivendell Project History
Rivendell was created by Salem Radio Laboratories, a division of Salem Communications, a national network of Christian radio stations and program services. The main developer is now at Paravel Systems.