Rivendell Scripts and hacks on Github
From Rivendell Wiki
Official Rivendell Source Code
User repositories
Status of these repositories as of July 2020 is noted after the links.
- https://github.com/opensourceradio/ram (specifically these scripts) (current)
- https://github.com/zotz/drradioutils (current)
- https://github.com/wmfo (some current, mostly unmaintained for at least 3 years)
- https://github.com/prometoys/hertz879/ (unmaintained for at least 3 years)
- https://github.com/tryphon/rivendell2-debian (unmaintained for at least 6 years)
- https://github.com/JamesHarrison/rivendell-rb (unmaintained for at least 8 years)