Upgrading from v2 to v4 on CentOS 7
From Rivendell Wiki
[hide]Verifying the presence of CentOS 7
First, check that the system is in fact running CentOS 7 by executing the following command:
cat /etc/redhat-release
You should get back something like this:
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Verify that the first number in the version string ('7.6.1810') is a 7. If it is not, or you get a 'No such file or directory' error, then STOP. You are not running CentOS 7, and proceeding may damage or destroy your installation!
Verifying that configured RLMs have replacement PyPAD scripts available
Go into RDAdmin->ManageHosts->hostname->RDAirPlay->ConfigureNow&NextParameters and make a note of each entry in the 'Loadable Modules' list. Using the following table, verify that each RLM (in the 'Path' field) has a replacement PyPAD script. If one does not, then STOP. You will need to create your own PyPAD script to duplicate the functionality of the custom RLM.
rlm_ando | pypad_ando.py |
rlm_filewrite | pypad_filewrite.py |
rlm_icecast2 | pypad_icecast2.py |
rlm_inno713 | pypad_inno713.py |
rlm_liqcomp | pypad_liqcomp.py |
rlm_live365 | pypad_live365.py |
rlm_serial | pypad_serial.py |
rlm_shoutcast1 | pypad_shoutcast1.py |
rlm_spinitroni_plus | pypad_spinitron.py |
rlm_spottrap | pypad_spottrap.py |
rlm_tunein | pypad_tunein.py |
rlm_udp | pypad_udp.py |
rlm_urlwrite | pypad_urlwrite.py |
rlm_walltime | pypad_walltime.py |
rlm_xds | pypad_xds.py |
rlm_xmpad | pypad_xmpad.py |
Backing Up the Database
Close all open Rivendell modules, then back up your database, using RDAdmin->BackupDatabase.
Updating the repository assignments
Update the respository assignments by running the following commands (as root):
yum clean expire-cache mv /etc/yum.repos.d/Paravel-Broadcast.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/Paravel-Broadcast.repo-DISABLED wget https://software.paravelsystems.com/CentOS/7rd4/Paravel-Rivendell4.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d/
Updating the Rivendell Packages
Update the Rivendell packages by doing (as root):
yum update rivendell
Creating Replacement PyPAD Instances
Go into RDAdmin->ManageHosts->hostname->PyPADInstances and create a new instance for each RLM noted in the 2.x setup, using the proper replacement PyPAD script. Remove all of the default configuration for each instance, replacing it with the configuration copy/pasted from the original RLM configuration file (the 'Argument' field).