How to handle Daylight Savings Time/Summer Time changes in Rivendell
From Rivendell Wiki
[hide]Modify the Log for Fall Change From DST to Standard Time (“Fall Back”)
This description was posted to the Rivendell mailing list on 30 October, 2023 (edited for wiki formatting):
The fall time change is upon us once again. This Sunday, you will need to add an additional hour of programming between your normal 1am and 2am hours. There are several ways to handle inserting the additional programming. Regardless of which technique you use, it is important that you DO NOT:
A) Schedule a timed start event at exactly 2:00:00am.
B) Schedule two “1am” hours in the same log that both use timed starts within the body of the hour.
Remember, as the clock strikes 2am, the time is adjusted back to 1am, so the extra hour of programming needs to be inserted immediately after 1:59:59am. So, the inserted hour will occupy the second 1am hour of the day. We recommend not scheduling a timed event right at 2:00:00am as some systems may not process the time change quickly enough at the end of the first 1am hour to prevent a 2am timed event from firing an hour prematurely.
∗∗∗ Here are two suggested methods of handling the time change ∗∗∗
- ) Generate the Sunday log as you do normally.
- ) Open the Sunday log in RDLogEdit and use Save As to save a copy of the log using a different name. (We'll call this new log “Log B”).
- ) In “Log B” delete all carts scheduled prior to 1am. (We will be chaining to this new log after the time change. The 1am hour in this log will be the second 1am hour played).
- ) If the first cart in the new log has a timed start attribute set for 1:00:00am. Remove the timed start attribute. (We don't want the log to hang up if it doesn't get loaded in time to hit the timed start. The resulting log will have 23 hours of programming in it).
- ) Save the changes made to “Log B”.
- ) Open the original Sunday log in RDLogEdit.
- ) Delete all carts scheduled after 1:59:59am. (This will leave you with a log with only 2 hours of programming in it).
- ) Add a Log Chain marker at the end of the log that will chain to “Log B”. (This is done by selecting “Insert Meta” > “Log Chain”).
The result will be that the Saturday log will chain to the original Sunday log (that only contains 2 hours of programming). At 2am (now 1am) the original Sunday log will chain to the newly created “Log B”. Log B contains all of the programming from 1am to the end of the day where it will chain to the Monday log as usual.
- ) Generate the Sunday log as you do normally.
- ) Use RDLogEdit to insert an extra hour of programming without any timed events in it.
- ) Save the modified log.
Modify the Log for Spring Change to Daylight Savings Time (“Spring Forward”)
Changing from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time in the Spring is simpler than changing from DST to Standard Time in the Fall. You simply need to remove an hour of programming from the Sunday log.
- ) Generate the Sunday log as normal
- ) Open the Sunday log in RDLogEdit
- ) Highlight (click or touch) the first line in the 2am hour (including the timed start line if one exists)
- ) Shift-click on the last line in the 2am hour to select all the events in that hour, just before the first line in the 3am hour (not including the line with the timed start if one exists)
- ) Touch the Delete button to remove the highlighted log lines
- ) Save the log either by touching the Save button, or the OK button