Log Transitions
From Rivendell Wiki
Fading in RDAirplay
Q: At the top of a clock, I want to fade the music for 4 seconds just before the next start time (00:00 in next clock)
I created an event Called FADE. It is a macro PS 1 4000!
If I run this macro with RDCatch at 59:56, everything works but I have to program for each hour !
If I put this macro in a clock, it does not work as I would like.
the clock:
57:00 MUSIC EVENT (music, segue) 59:56 FADE EVENT (this macro, hard start time, PLAY transition ) next clock starts with a liner
But at 59:56 the music stops abruptly, then it is the liner that is faded !
How do I get the music to fade at 59:56 and the liner resume at normal volume?
A: Ok, Here is how you can have a fade in RDAirplay at a certain time then stop the automation. No need for a macro.
1) Determine how long you want your fades to be when Rivendell segues to a hard start time (Start at + Start Immediately) event. Then go to RDAdmin>Manage Hosts>Select the Host>Edit>RDAirplay>Force Segue and enter the fade time in milliseconds. I am going to use a 4 second fade for this example so I put in 4000.
2) Record or use an audio editor to generate a audio file with the same length of silence (as entered in the Force Segue field above) and import this into RDLibrary.
3) Setup your log this way
57:00 MUSIC EVENT (music, segue) 59:56 4 seconds of silence EVENT (hard start time, PLAY transition ) next clock starts with a liner
This can also be used to stop the automation at a certain time and fade down whatever is playing before joining a satellite feed. Use a Transition Type of Stop on the next item in the log with a Start at: time to get the log rolling again after the feed.